Saturday, November 24, 2012

For us, the forgetful

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّ وَعْدَ ٱللَّهِ حَقٌّۭ ۖ فَلَا تَغُرَّنَّكُمُ ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَا ۖ وَلَا يَغُرَّنَّكُم بِٱللَّهِ ٱلْغَرُورُ
O mankind! Verily, the Promise of Allah is true. So let not this present life deceive you, and let not the chief deceiver (Satan) deceive you about Allah.

Thursday, November 22, 2012



Let me fall asleep to the sound of rain
Let me breathe the smell of rain
The calming scent of it
Let me listen to the rain
Seems every drops bring a message 
And hopes, indeed

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Who am I?

Setiap orang punya persepsinya masing-masing mengenai dirinya sendiri. Kita memilih sendiri, ingin seperti apa kita terlihat dan dilihat oleh orang lain, atau bahkan untuk melihat diri sendiri. Setiap orang punya sifat Me&I dalam dirinya masing-masing, hanya porsinya yang berbeda. Orang yang memiliki sifat "I" cenderung lebih nyeleneh dan bisa dibilang egois.

Semua orang pasti pernah mengalami proses mencari jati diri. Sebenernya, proses ini bukan suatu proses yang bisa disadarin. To me, proses ini bisa berarti bermacam-macam pencarian, mulai dari style, taste, dan yang terpenting, sifat. Waktu sma, ungkapan "lagi nyari jati diri" itu kata-kata yang sering banget diucapin sama orang-orang. Ngga jarang ungkapan itu dihalalkan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang engga-engga, ya you know. Pencarian jati diri itu mulai dari mereka-reka apa yang sebenernya kita suka, tapi terkadang hal itu terkontaminasi sama persepsi orang. Well, kalo di komunikasi mungkin bisa dikategoriin teori group think, haha. Oh iya, menurut saya, proses pencarian jati diri pun ngga stagnan, bisa berubah, sesuai sama sifat manusia yang dinamis. 

Jadi yang terpenting adalah gimana kita menghargai apapun jati diri orang dan ngga merasa ekslusif satu sama lain, dan menyebarkan hal-hal positif untuk orang sekitar kita:-) 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tea? Maybe?

Oh honey

Picture me upon your knee,
With tea for two and two for tea,
Just me for you and you for me, alone!
Nobody near us, to see us or hear us,
No friends or relations
on weekend vacations
We won't have it known, dear,
That we own a telephone, dear.

Day will break and I'm gonna wake
and start to bake a sugar cake
for you to take for all the boys to see.
We will raise a family,
a boy for you , and a girl for me,
Can't you see how happy we will be.

(Picture you upon my knee)
(tea for two and two for tea)
(me for you and you for me, alone!)
(Nobody near us, to see us or hear us,)
(No friends or relations on weekend vacations)
(We won't have it known, dear,)
(That we own a telephone,)

Day will break and I'm gonna wake
and start to bake a sugar cake
for you to take for all the boys to see.
We will raise a family,
a boy for you, and a girl for me,
Oh can't you see how happy we will be.
(How happy we will be)

Doris Day

Friday, October 12, 2012



Kita tak pernah tau akan dipertemukan dengan siapa. Dan kita tak pernah tau, kenapa Tuhan menunjukkan jalan untuk kita bertemu dengan orang itu.

Entah alasan apa juga, yang tadinya tak berharap lebih, yang tadinya hanya impian belaka, atau bahkan tak pernah sedikit pun terbersit, pada akhirnya bisa bersama.

Tuhan itu Indah, Dia sangat Indah, begitu pun rencana-rencananya. Ah Tuhan, aku terlena akan keindahan-Mu.

Ia mempertemukan manusia, untuk membimbing satu sama lain, atau mungkin menguji satu sama lain.

Mudah bagiNya mempersatukan yang berbeda, lalu memisahkannya. Sampai pada akhirnya rencananya Ia jalankan, baru lah kita bisa memetik jawabannya. Namun tidak, tidak semua orang bisa memetiknya. 

Tidak ada satu pun yang tau, berapa lama kebersamaan itu. Bisa untuk sementara, atau untuk selamanya. Waktu pun tak berguna ketika bukan kebaikan yang didapat. Inti dari semuanya adalah, bagamaina kita bisa menjadi yang baik, yang menjadi perantara cinta-Nya.

{A night thought after a quality talk with my best friend}

Friday, July 20, 2012


The arrival
Salam all. Two weeks ago I went to Malaysia to visit my friend, Pipi. These all are the pics. hihi^^

Add caption

 Pipi brought us to Ikea! Excited :-3

 aaaand we also went to Singapore! Yeay!
 Good morning, Orchard

 Way back home
I had a lovely time there at Cyberjaya. Pipi and her boyfriend Kiki was so nice to us. What a holiday☁☁☁

"It's not about the place, it's about the people and the journey"

Happy Fasting✿❀❁

Marhaban ya Ramadhan. Minal aidin wal faidzin, happy fasting people ✿❀❁


Kindly add my online shop 'CarouselDream Scarf' on FB, wait for the sweet July collection and don't hesitate to grab the sweetness, thank you:-)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sisterhood by DP

Super inspiring women, four of them, my favorite.

DP's collection fashion show


Friday, July 13, 2012

A Thank-you Post


The picture above is a pic of me and my best friend, Revi. Isn't she beautiful? :-3
We met at college. At first I thought she was a mean girl because she seemed so cocky. We often met when we pray at mushola. As time goes by, we get along, I've shared everything to her, everything. My family background, my love-life story, my high school drama, everything. We spend a lot of time together, study, absent the class together to hang out, sleepover and so many more. I'm not that kind of person who easily fit in. I like making friends, but to making best friend, it's totally different. 

I don't remember how we suddenly get close and be a best friend. What I remember is every moment I spent with her is precious. I cried to her, she cried to me, we laughed, we fought. She knows I have a trauma in friendship thingy. But somehow I trust her. I really grateful to Allah for met a friend like her. A super friend like her. She's a super kind, religious, and true hearted friend. She took care of me when my tummy is killin me because of period, she give me a dark choc when I cried all day long:-3, she cried when she apologize her fault.She is one who made me see my self even better and respect my self. If you're a guy (reader), I suggest you that she's a worth-to-be-wife lady:-P 


I know that she wants to be an entrepreneur like her dad. I know communication major wasn't her first choice. I know she enjoy studying it. But I didn't know she's that serious to move. Yes, she is now a student of SBM ITB which is located in... Bandung:-)

She's leaving..

I'm not gonna tell how sad I am to know that, I know Allah have a way more beautiful plan than us. And I'm definitely happy for you. Thank you for everything Rev, being a close friend of you is one of the best thing ever. Thank you for always pompin' my spirit up when I'm down, thank you for everything. Be good there, may Allah take care of our friendship.

This post is dedicated to Revi Adelia, this may sounds cheesy, but I really mean it. By the way, this is not a good-bye post, this is a thank you and hello post. Hello for the new phase of life. Bismillah to us!

Poor me I got this news on my birthday month, oh bittersweet July

Monday, July 2, 2012

July Hope


I face this month with this hope... and other hopes..
"Memintalah yang banyak, karna Allah itu kaya:-)"

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Ketika semuanya hancur
Rencana berakhir wacana
Harapan berakhir kekecewaan

Yang ada tinggal ampas
Oh hati, kenapa kamu?
Dimana aku bisa beli ikhlas?
Berapa harganya?
Susah sekali hati ini, kelut
Dasar manusia

Tuhan, aku lelah..
Lelah melatih hati ini untuk berubah
Apa Kau menjual hati instan ya Rabb?
Aku ingin hati yang putih, kilap tanpa noda
Ah, andai ada..
Inginku baik, apa perlu waktu yang lama?
Ah, baiklah.

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Night to Think

Some thoughts appeared in my mind. In the middle of the night, when maybe everyone in my house has gone to sleep. In the middle of this disappointment feeling.  What is it again, love? 
I'm that kind of person who believe in true love. I sometimes see it from his gaze, his behave, and even gesture. But this thought appeared somehow, where all this 'love' things gonna ended up?
Does he still call me beauty when my face grow some wrinkle?
Does he still wait for me when I walk slow and slower?
When we talk about the future, it's full of dismay, absolutely. And suddenly another words came out from my head.

"When God still let me to love you, I will love you"

It might answer it all. Let God be the Director, and let ourselves be the actor.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Meet the Canadian

Pretty Piaaa

Canadian aka Luthfi

This is a super late post about my meet up with my bestie who live in Canada.  Love the moment and love the people. Take care of people with true hearted around you, because they become so scarce these days. 

Live to love 

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Prayer

"Ya Allah, Penggenggam hujan yang turun malam ini, terima kasih Engkau telah memberi aku rasa lelah dan terima kasih untuk malam, saat dimana aku melepaskan segala letih"

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wouldn't it Be Nice♬

Wouldn't it be nice if we were older?
Then we wouldn't have to wait so long
And wouldn't it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong
You know its gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and stay together
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through
The happy times together we've been spending
I wish that every kiss was never ending...
Wouldn't it be nice?
Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray... it might 
come true
Baby, then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't 
We could be married and then we'd be happy,
Wouldn't it be nice?
You know it seems the more we talk about it
It only makes it worse to live without it
But let's talk about it...
Wouldn't it be nice?

The Beach Boys♬